Tuesday, February 9, 2010

PMS Blues

PMS Blues Many women experience emotional changes that they feel low in the days before their time. In some women, these changes may be mild and transient, disappearing with the onset of a period. In other women, emotional symptoms may be strong enough to resume normal activities. Most common symptoms are depression, anxiety, irritability and aggressiveness, which is what is sometimes called? PMS Blues?. If the physical or emotional symptoms of PMS are difficult, this condition is called premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD. PMDD is two to ten percent of all women of childbearing age in the United States. Women with PMDD may be the feelings of despair and feelings of guilt and the feeling of being overwhelmed. Many women with PMDD report feeling very excited and suddenly sad or too sensitive to other people. These symptoms may lead to their withdrawal from normal social interaction and may take into consideration the normal activities and relationships at home and in work.Many emotional symptoms of PMS, with which the thought of women showed that the brain? S reduced, a chemical called serotonin in the premenstrual phase. Serotonin is a mood. Therefore, the mainstay of treatment for serious emotional symptoms is a group of drugs called selective reuptake inhibitors or SSRI serotonin. These drugs act by improving the brain? Possibility to use serotonin, which is the stabilization of a woman? S mood.Some emotional symptoms are due to the effects of physical symptoms of PMS. A woman may experience pain and feeling tired and not up to stay at their normal exercise routine. Exercise releases natural mood-elevating, and alleviating the pain of compounds called endorphins, less movement, the lower the level of endorphins. Weight gain, swelling may worsen insomnia and anxiety during PMS. Therefore, the management of these symptoms with exercise, nutrition, drugs, and can contribute to emotional symptoms.PMS provides detailed information about PMS, PMS-solution, PMS symptoms, treatment and most LDCs. PMS is the sister site of ovulation and conception.

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