Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Save Your Relationship and Sanity

Save Your Relationship and Sanity Time to share and on their time. Organization to spend time together and time for you. Even if you need time together to keep your relationship, it is important that we have a good balance. You are not the Mini-Me of each other. You have your values, interests and needs. Make sure that a little 'time is quality, not quantity. Defining the boundaries, so that family and friends know that this is your sacred time. Now it? S time to suit you. Following prospect and have similar interests does not mean that you can participate in all activities. Create personal time for themselves is important for your personal growth. However, non? T Use of a personal space as an excuse for not having time for the other. It 'absolutely necessary that we articulate to each other, the necessity of this time, so that nobody feels neglected. Be patient with each other. Nobody is perfect. It 'important that you accept and love others, and all the small defects. Their relationship is a common area. It requires love, work and patience is a leaing process in the relationship and, for some never stop leaing. There is a difference in how the two relate, interact and live. You come to see the others? Strengths and weaknesses. Profile of each other? s ability and personality as a gift. Their positions are flexible. The work on Win-win methods, so that no one to lose. It 'more important to understand the value and the other? S, but as an attempt to agree or not. Mutual respect than any other? S-values. Respect others? S time. Respect others? s room. Respect others? Privacy. Respect others? s weaknesses. Respect others? S sight. Respect others? s faith. Respect others? Friends and relatives. Respect others? The job or career. Respect others? S culture. Respect others? S sense of 'humor. Respect others? s character. Respect others? S decisions. Respect others? s belongings. Respect each other through love. What Mark? Highlighted on the right, what? On the right hand down in tears. Constant criticism reduced self-esteem. This is why the verbal and emotional abuse can be harmful. Nobody wants to start or end of the day with a laundry list of complaints. Take time to appreciate what it is? s jump in value. Make a habit, completed the other, something beyond the physical aspect. Build one another? Trust. Point of great or small sign of appreciation. Take the time to show gratitude. If people feel comfortable, they want to share this feeling with others. If we talked less and listen more falls, it would be much of our communication. But man conditioned to listen with the intent to respond. When was the last time that attention to your significant other? Do not you feel and then try to solve a problem? You listen and then advise? You listen and then to criticize or less? You listen and then on? When you hear that, it creates confidence. Your significant other feels understood and most parties in the course of time with her. The next time your significant other in a contemplative state, saying to you? King is willing to listen. Let go of the emotional baggage, it's time to unpack your emotional baggage. You can not undo the past. The pain of the past, in this context, is like mixing with the dirty clothes recycled clothes. The old emotions must be resolved before you can in your current relationship. Emotional baggage, is contributing to insecurity, a bad decision, indecision and cynicism. If you try, your feelings to hinder your freedom and growth. Think about why you continue to make you suffer from this pain? Someone has to forgive? You're on the go with the resentment and guilt? Speaking of the situation with the other key in order to get a better understanding of what you are. If the pain is unbearable, seek professional help together or alone.

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