Tuesday, August 25, 2009

After reflection on the history of women

After reflection on the history of women I? Ve a conscience, to really think and the history of women in this month, because the National Women's History Month. I have my own studio, not only the most recent feminist history, in my opinion is a culmination of our history on this point in our history since the beginning of the written record. This was not easy as it sounds, since the vast majority of survivors are his records and history are very short on details of their history. In an attempt to women? In their place? those that are within the Judeo-Christian religions have destroyed most records of the importance of women in early history. This is seen clearly in the Bible, even though many times I said, are the Jews? completely destroy the nations? who worshiped other gods, many of which were actually dee. It 'important, I think that at some point in the history of women shared the title of gods with men? and once reigned as the only deity. In this part of our history shows a woman in all her glory, not the Bible, as a creature who must always be subject to a submission to her husband because she had eaten a forbidden fruit, and forced him to do the same. It 'now time for the truth was known. It is not planned? Truth? received from what we have always said is the reality. The reality is not difficult for the other half of the story. We see the reality, as we have always been taught to see. If someone teaches me, that young of a certain color is blue, and then others that reinforce the lesson in my family, community, church, state, school, etc.? then I think the color is blue. But what if it all wrong? What happens if it is really blue yellow but nobody wants errant teaching, because he said that that was blue in the first place, speaking on behalf of God? In the end, though, just because everyone believes that the color blue is not the fact blue. In reality, it is still yellow. This is exactly what happened in the history of women. Only this doctrine has become so long, no doubt for fear of being ostracized or even killed at times that it is time for the truth. In the process of the truth has been lost. What is the real truth? What is the reality? The truth is that "in principle? The woman was in fact the same thing for humans. It was just as intelligent. E 'was also able to deal with life? S inconvenience. It 'been man? The partners that are not owned by him or his slave. It was not? T, until the basic human rights are denied, you have been demoted and was not equal? t until they were denied equal educational opportunities that their intelligence was questioned. What is truth? The truth is that we have leaed that yellow is the color blue. We force fed a lie, the point that we hang our heads in the original sin, guilt and accept our fate as a second citizen? as long as men have given us at least that much. However, if this is all we have left the fight in us, our future will look like, what we have done in the past. We are at an important point in history. For the last century, women in America who have paved the way for us to work outside the home, vote, and the same rights as a man in the judiciary. Don? T, for these women, these are rights that we have only a few decades. And as soon as those rights after thousands of years of degradation, can retu into oblivion with only a few judgments. Men have always been those who gove, but now that we have the privilege. Yes, this is still a privilege that was granted, and may be dissolved, if not? t Use the advantages of IT - are actively involved in goveance and the exercise of voting rights. Our history is veiled, and our presence is fragile at best. Both? And our future and our daughter? Strong future. Let's equip with a value of telling a story and mindset of a true position of equality, and against the old, and teach them the real truth.

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