Sunday, January 3, 2010

If Douche

If Douche The only thing that a woman can be said of some of the vagina and is surrounded in mystery. And with this mystery comes a bounty of myths. One myth marring the woman? S is the concept that the vagina is a dirty pool. Marketing of women's frequent showers did nothing to arrest this myth. However, the vagina is dirty and a woman douche? A substantial part of the medical evidence makes a clear case that douching is not necessary and, in some cases unhealthy.Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, led by Dr. Roberta Ness discovered that most women are introduced to the concept of douching mothers, sisters, girlfriends o. However, this well-intentioned advice brother has left too many women vaginal misinformed about their health. For example, a study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham asked why the 729 women who douche. Twenty-one percent of respondents said that they believed douching killed infectious germs, while 27% believe that douching prevented pregnancy. No hypothesis is writer Mary Ann true.As Innacchinoe explained one? American Joual of Nursing? article, the vagina contains, lactobacilli, "good", aerobic bacteria that clean the vagina and protect against infection. Lactobacilli release of hydrogen peroxide, a natural disinfectant. The presence of hydrogen peroxide helps keep potentially harmful anaerobic bacteria in balance.Ironically, some women view menstruation as a time when most of the needs of the vagina shower. After menstruation, vaginal mucus retus to its thickness, a feature not fertile state, which makes it more difficult for pathogens to enter and infect the vagina. Douching can wash away this protective layer and invite imbalances and vaginal bacterial infections. For example, a study published in 2004, the medical joual? STDs? linked douching after menses with an increased risk of bacterial vaginosis vaginosis.Bacterial, or an excess of bacteria in the vagina, is one of the most common reasons women visit their gynecologist. The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, are colored gray or foam vaginal discharge, a? Fish? odor after intercourse, vaginal itching and a vaginal pH higher 4.5.While douching can provoke bacterial vaginosis, may also promote the herpes virus. In 2003, researchers from the Magee-Womens Research Institute in Pittsburgh, Pa., asked why women are more susceptible to herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection than men. After examining 1207 women between 18 and 30 years from three Pittsburgh hospitals, the researchers found that women who douche, smoke, have sex with uncircumcised partners, or bacterial vaginosis are at increased risk of contracting HSV-infection.Nevertheless 2, Dr. Christiane Northrup, author of? Women? s organizations, women? s wisdom? recommends douching in one case, after having made love three times a day. But the sperm must be released into the vagina during each shift. Northrup notes that after the entry of sperm, the vagina does not retu to its normal pH for another twenty-four hours. Using a vinegar douche, adding a tablespoon of vinegar in a quart of water can help restore the vaginal pH balance faster. Note, this shower is not used as a contraceptive, only as a pH balancer.The vagina deservingly derived its name from the Latin meaning? Pod?. While the vagina or sheath has many mysteries, the truth about this enigmatic organ only seek the truth, do not believe in rumors or fantasy medical ills produced by the marketing. At least one woman, now I can say with certainty when you should and should not douche.Sources: Cherpes, Thomas L. et al. ? Risk factors for infection with herpes simplex virus type 2: Role of smoking, douching, uncircumcised males, and vaginal flora?, Venereal Diseases, May2003, vol. 30 Issue 5, p405.Innacchinoe, Mary Ann. ? The vagina dialogues: you shower? American Joual of Nursing, Jan2004, Vol. 104, Issue 1, p40.Martino, Jenny L. Surasak & Youngpairoj, Sten H. Vermund. ? Vaginal DOUCHING: Personal Practices and Public Policy, "Joual of Women's Health, Nov2004, Vol. 13 Number 9, p1048.Ness, Roberta B. et al. Why Women Douche and Why can not or Pa?, Venereal Diseases, Jan2003, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p71.Oh, M. Kim et al. ? The early onset of vaginal douching is associated with false beliefs and high-risk, sexually transmitted diseases, May2003, vol. 30 Issue 5, p405.Schwebke, Jane E. &, Renee A. Desmond, M. Oh Kim. ? Predictors of bacterial vaginosis in adolescent women Douche ", Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Jul2004, Vol. 31 Issue 7, p433.Health graduate of Stanford University and author Naweko San Joyz love is writing from his home in San Diego. His works include? Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne? (ISBN: 0974912204) and the next job? Skinny Fat Chicks Why us? Still not getting this diet thing? (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June 2005. Useful for acne self-help articles visit

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