Monday, January 11, 2010

Precious Stones Explained

Precious Stones Explained The mineral known as "Gem" is applied it must be adaptable for jewelry or oamental purposes, and must possess beauty, hardness and rarity. The beauty of precious stones and jewelry from their color or colorlessness, gloss and smoothness of the gloss and transparency. To ensure a high and lasting polish, a mineral, it must be difficult? and many stones, which would otherwise be highly rated below the estimated value, because they are of sufficient hardness to withstand the wear and friction with the object as a jewel in the form of jewelry. The rarity of the gems have a strong effect in determining their values. For example, crocidolite, commercially known as tiger-eye, was adopted by a number of years carats, and was largely in the manufacture of fine jewelry. Today this material is so abundant that it is no longer classified under the above gems, but is used for cameos and engravings as chalcedony and onyx. The changes of fashion, have much to do with determining the market value of precious stones. Amethyst, Topaz, cat's eye, aquamarine, alexandrite, and emeralds, opals, are welcome and at times, and then again for other neglected gems, so that a reasonable difference in the value of these stones. It 'been a topic for debate on the proper line of demarcation between the stones, which deserves the title? valuable? and those that should be in a so-called semi-precious stones or lower category. To create such a line is almost possible, since neither the hardness, rarity, or value would be a positive result - some of the stones, like zircon and almandine less valuable than softer opal, and diamonds, one of many stones valuable, is also one of the most valuable. Nor can the price of a complete test, because fashion is a turquoise, opal or an emerald worth much more than once to another, all the precious minerals for oamental purposes, from diamonds to quartz or chalcedony, rightly described in May gems. The last word on the most precious gems are diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires. The pearl is often classed with precious stones. Although strictly speaking, while this is not a stone has a valued place in jewelry.

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